Sep 17

Bags? Or Shoes?

Every girl has a weakness.

Are you the sort who loves bags in all shapes and sizes, who changes her bag every day to match her outfits, transferring contents diligently from one to the other?

Or are you the sort who just can’t resist high heels, loafers, sandals, and what have you, and whose shoe cabinet takes up half the living room?

Well, we have plenty of really cute shoes and bags in the store, and we’re curious to know what your weakness is.

Granny used to be a shoes kinda girl. Then she changed her mind and became a bags kinda girl. Now, she’s both. -_-

View our delicious pics of bags and shoes in the store right now… fresh off the boat from a faraway land!



Our lovely shoes and bags are sitting in the shop waiting for you. If you wanna touch ’em and feel ’em, drop by! Otherwise, call the shop at 6336 9774 for enquiries.

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