Jan 15

IT’S GRANNY’S favourite time of the year: pineapple tarts, red packets, and yet another excuse to buy new gear!

For some of us, our mamas and papas used to buy us three sets of new clothing and underwear to usher in Chinese New Year. Sometimes, it could all get a little too gaudy, when they got carried away.

Which is why our photo shoot for this month, “Rockin’ CNY”, is all about wearing brights without looking like a fright!

The model: Dell Marie Butler, a vegan and yogi at heart. Celebrates CNY with mandarin oranges in her mimosas.

The location: East Coast, where old shophouses, kitschy hair salons, shady brothels and Chinese temples co-exist harmoniously side by side. Some businesses looked as if they hadn’t changed in the past 40 years. An old seafood restaurant continues to ply their trade in a colonial bungalow built more than half a century ago.

The clothes: Prosperous shades – crimsons and pinks – mingle with deep dark hues. The colour spectrum remains vivid, without being overly so. A red stripe here, some florals there, and you’ll have just enough auspicious vibes to keep Gran grinning and those ang pows coming.

We’ve also included some quirky all-red show stoppers for those of you who love the shade.

Enjoy! Eat more bak kwa. Don’t forget your mandarin oranges. And charm your relatives silly with our lovely vintage frocks!

To kick-start you into CNY, here’s a promotion to get you going! 🙂

See you at the shop soon!



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