Oct 01

GET GIRLY, get flirty, and get playful with playsuits and jumpsuits!

Whether you like them short (playsuits), or long (jumpsuits), onesies are a welcome alternative to dresses. They may not be as feminine, but they most certainly are cuter and edgier!

Glam them up with heels at night, or dress them down with woven leather sandals in the day. There’s no need to fuss about matching the right top or bottom, and hence are perfect for holidays. Best of all, you can sit with your legs wide open like a gangsta and not “zao geng”!

We managed to Procure the Perfect Pixie to Pull off this Playful look (that’s a lot of words in one sentence beginning with “P”!). Arlia, our model, is a sprightly and vivacious girl with so much zest for life, you can feel her energy through the lens!

Choose from floral or geometric prints and polka dots to simple basics. We’re pretty sure you’ll find a onesie for yourself!

All clothing and accessories from Granny’s Day Out. Everything is one-piece only, so hurry down to the shop and chope!

For enquiries, please call the shop at 6336 9774.

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